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Faux Leopard and Pink Fur Coat

Faux Leopard and Pink Fur Coat

Regular price $1,200.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $1,200.00 USD
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For the intellectuals, the artists, the outcasts and misfits.  Conforming to their expectations would dull your brilliance; instead, embrace your individuality. You belong to a world that defies convention, and this is your signature.

This piece is lovingly crafted for all the people who feel out of sync with societal norms. For those who’ve struggled to connect during the often-challenging teenage years, know that comfort and belonging are on the horizon. You are not alone in feeling like you don’t quite fit in with certain groups; many find themselves yearning for deeper connections.

Because you are special, unique, and truly amazing, your individuality can sometimes feel threatening to those around you—especially when you’re not buying into the trends, like wearing Lululemon to fit in with their little panda-wearing crew. Remember, the journey may be tough, but it leads you to your true tribe—those who celebrate your uniqueness and embrace you for who you are.

In the end, your community will be made up of intellectuals, your best friend Romi in Paris, and that other great friend who catches waves in Huntington Beach. Your group of friends definitely won’t resemble minions, filled to the brim with insecurities. You’ll find your people, and it will be worth the wait.

Until then, the alchemy behind this Leopard coat will keep you lovingly cozy and stylish as you take your next steps towards your greatness. 

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